About Us
Department of Oriental Languages
Miss Apasom Chaisangjan (Head of Department)

Miss Apasom Chaisangjan
E-mail :chaisangjan_a@su.ac.th
Tel : 02-1054686 Ext. 103042
Education history
1999 B.A. (Thai Literature), Kasetsart University
1995 M.A. (Thai Epigraphy), Silpakorn University

Associate Professor Samniang Leurmsai, Ph.D.
E-mail : leurmsai_s@su.ac.th
Tel : 02-1054686 Ext. 103047
Educational history
1997 Ph.D. (Sanskrit), Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
1992 M.A.(Sanskrit), Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
1990 B.A. (Religion), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Bangkok, Thailand
1987 Pali (Grade 9) from Thai Buddhist Sangha Organization
- A Comparative Study of the Role of Phramahamaudagalyayana and Phramalai in Buddhist Scriptures, 2016-2017.
- The Way of Sustainable Food Safety Management through Right Livelihood for Thai Society,” Journal of Graduate Studies Review, Issue 13 (June 2017): page 146-156.
- "Karma" in Bhaisajyavastu of The Scripture of Mulasarvastivada” Mahachula Academic Journal, Issue 5 Special Issue (January 2018): page 250-263.
- Researchers:
- Samniang Luermsai, Oriental Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- Seksan Sawangsri
- Mahavastu Avadana Volume 1. Sanskrit Studies Centre under Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Patronage, 2010, 512 pages.
- Mahavastu Avadana Volume 2. Sanskrit Studies Centre under Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Patronage, 2014, 714 pages.
- Mahavastu Avadana Volume 3. Sanskrit Studies Centre under Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Patronage, 2017, 656 pages.
Researches/Creative works
Academic Journals
Textbook/Books/Translations and Other academic works

Assistant Professor Kangvol Khatshima, Ph.D.
E-mail : khatshima_k@su.ac.th
Tel : 02-1054686 Ext. 103034
Educational history
2005 Ph.D. (Khmer Language), Silpakorn University
1999 M.A. (Oriental Epigraphy) Silpakorn University
1998 M.A. (Khmer Studies) Silpakorn University
1998 B.A. (Thai Studies) Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
1995 B.A. (Theories and Techniques in Political Science) Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
1994 Pali (Grade 9), Thai Buddhist Sangha Organization
- Note on Thai Terminology : the Status of Khmer-loanwords in Thai and her Homeland. The 12th International Conference on "Southeast Asian Cultural Values: Culture of Peace", Phnom Penh Hotel, Cambodia, pages 127-133, 8-9 December 2016.
- Researchers:
- Kangvol Khatshima, Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- Sirisarn Muenphothong, Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- Chatupohn Khotkanok, Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- Phnom Dongrak Mountain Range: an Area-studies for Peace. The 12th International Conference on "Southeast Asian Cultural Values: Culture of Peace", Phnom Penh Hotel, Cambodia, pages 17-25, 8-9 December 2016.
- Researchers:
- U-Tain Wongsathit, Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- Kangvol Khatshima, Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- Sirisarn Mueanphothong, Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- The Preface of Constitution of Cambodia. The National Academic Conference “Art and Culture: Dynamism in Contemporary Societies”, The Research Institute of Northeastern Art and Culture, Mahasarakham University, page 73–85, 25 July 2018
- Authors:
- Kangvol Khatshima, Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- Patchrapan Katakoon
- A Study of Wedding Ceremony of Chum Seang Sub-district, Chomphra District, Surin province. The National Academic Conference “Art and Culture: Dynamism in Contemporary Societies”, The Research Institute of Northeastern Art and Culture, Mahasarakham University, page 245-253, 25 July 2018.
- Authors:
- Kangvol Khatshima, Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- Thitthiyatorn Dathong
- Transliteration of Pali into Thai Script: Problems and Solutions. THE 14th International Conference on Asia Pacific Cultural Values. Angkor Century Hotel, Siem Reap, Cambodia, page 52-60, 19-22 December 2018.

Assistant Professor Sombat Mangmeesuksiri, Ph.D.
E-mail : mangmeesukhsiri_s@su.ac.th
Tel : 02-1054686 Ext. 103047
Education history
2002 Ph.D. (Sanskrit), Banaras Hindu University, India1994 M.A. (Sanskrit), Silpakorn University
1991 B.A. (Philosophy), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
1991 Pali (Grade 9), Thai Buddhist Sangha Organization
- What a Grand Beauty?: The Poetic Ornaments and the belief of Kamadeva Cupid in King Jayavarman VII's Sanskrit Inscriptions. The National Academic Conference “Art and Culture: Dynamism in Contemporary Societies”, The Research Institute of Northeastern Art and Culture, Mahasarakham University, page 73–85, 25 July 2018.
- Researchers:
- Sombat Mangmeesuksiri, Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- Nipat Yamdate

Assistant Professor Chainarong Klinnoi,Ph.D.
E-mail : klinnoi_c@su.ac.th
Tel : 02-1054686 Ext. 103047
Education history
2003 Ph.D. (Sanskrit), University of Pune, Maharashtra, India
1992 M.A. (Sanskrit), Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
1990 Pali (Grade 9), Thai Buddhist Sangha Organization
1988 B.A. (English), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Bangkok, Thailand
- Analysis on Belief in Vishnu Purana, 2017-2018.
- Authors:
- Chainarong Klinnoi, Department of Eastern Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- U-tain Wongsathit, Department of Eastern Languages, Faculty of Archeology
Researches/Creative works

Assistant Professor Kittichai Pinno
E-mail : pinno_k@su.ac.th
Tel : 02-1054686 Ext. 103042
Education history
2009 M.A. (Linguistics), Chulalongkorn University
2004 B.A. First Class Honors (Thai), Faculty of Archaeology, Silpakorn University

Assistant Professor Amornchai Khahakitkoson
E-mail :khahakitkoson_a@su.ac.th
Tel: 02-1054686 Ext. 103004
Education history
2018 M.Ed. (Curriculum and Instruction), Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
2000 B.A. (Thai) Second Class Honors, Faculty of Archaeology, Silpakorn University
1999 B.A. (Mass Communication), Ramkhamhaeng University

Assistant Professor Chutichol Aemdit, Ph.D.
E-mail : aemdit_c@su.ac.th
Tel : 02-1054686 Ext. 103042
Education history
2015 Ph.D. (Linguistics), Chulalongkorn University
2008 M.A. (Linguistics), Chulalongkorn University
2005 B.Ed. (Thai), Silpakorn University

Waraporn Poolsatitiwat, PhD
E-mail : poolsatitiwat_w@su.ac.th
Tel : 02-1054686 Ext. 103035
Educational history
B.A. 2nd class honors (History) Thammasat University, Thailand (1997)
M.A. (European Studies) Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (1999)
Graduate Certificate (International Studies) The University of Adelaide, Australia (2005)
M.A. (Applied Linguistics) The University of Adelaide, Australia (2007)
M.A. (Archives and Records Management) University of Liverpool, UK (2012)
Ph.D. (Archives and Records Management) University of Liverpool, UK (2017)
Research interests
Managing Records in comply with ISO 15489: Records Management
Archival Acquisition Policy
Archival Appraisal
Principles of Access to Archives
Research and Publications
Poolsatitiwat, W. (2017). Identification of the Factors Shaping Archival Education in Thailand and an Investigation into the Effectiveness of That Education in Preparing Graduates for the Archival Workplace. (Doctoral Thesis), University of Liverpool, UK.
Poolsatitiwat, W. (2019). Records Management and Internal Quality Assessment: A Case Study of Higher Educational Institution in the Context of Thailand. Veridian E-Journal Silpakorn University Humanities, Social Sciences and Arts, 12(3): 1-20.
Poolsatitiwat, W. (2020). Perspectives on the Concepts of 'Records' and 'Archives' in Thailand and the Current Roles of National Archives of Thailand (NAT). Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies (HASSS),
Poolsatitiwat, W. (2022). The Application of Functional Analysis Principles to design a model of File Plan and Records Retention Schedule: a case study of Dean’s office, Faculty of Archaeology, Silpakorn University, Thailand (Full Paper Research), Silpakorn University, Thailand.
Poolsatitiwat, W. and Silakete, P. (2023). The Applying of ISO 15489 Record Management to implement the Archival Records Management System of Defense Technology Institute, Thailand (Full Paper Research), Defense Technology Institute, Thailand.

Dr. Songtham Pansakun
E-mail : pansakun_s@su.ac.th
Tel : 02-1054686 Ext. 103047
Education history
2011 Ph.D. (Khmer Language) Silpakorn University
2005 M.A. (Khmer Studies) Silpakorn University
2002 B.A. (Thai Studies) Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
1994 B.S. (Phychology) Kasetsart University
- Tourism Development by Community connecting with Cambodia and Vietnam by Trat Province Community, 2016-2017.
- Brahmanism, Buddhism and Religion Change in Khmer Inscription. The 3rd National Academic Conference “Mekong Chi Mun”, Meeting Room 1, Chalermprakiet Building, Northeastern Thai Buddhist Art Center, School of General Education, Udon Thani Rajabhat University, page 245-256, 24-26 October 2018.
Researches/Creative works

Dr. Chatupohn Khotkanok
E-mail : khotkanok_c@su.ac.th
Tel : 02-1054686 Ext. 103035
Educational history
2016 Ph.D. (Khmer Language), Silpakorn University
2000 DEA (Langues, Littératures et Sociétés), Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, France
1996 M.A. (Khmer Studies), Silpakorn University
1991 B.A. (French), Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University
- Note on Thai Terminology : the Status of Khmer-loanwords in Thai and her Homeland. The 12th International Conference on "Southeast Asian Cultural Values: Culture of Peace", Phnom Penh Hotel, Cambodia, pages 127-133, 8-9 December 2016.
- Researchers:
- Kangvol Khatshima, Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- Sirisarn Muenphothong, Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- Chatupohn Khotkanok, Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- Samut Pra Tamrap Khi Chang of National Library of Thailand. The National Academic Conference “Art and Culture: Dynamism in Contemporary Societies”, The Research Institute of Northeastern Art and Culture, Mahasarakham University, page 124-131, 25 July 2018.
- Researchers:
- Chatupohn Khotkanok, Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- Warisara Grotintakom
- “Forms of Khmer Loanwords in Samudraghosgamchand,” Damrong Journal Issue 15 Volume 1 (January-June 2559): page 149 – 176.
Academic Journals

Nipat Yamdate, Ph.D.
E-mail : yamdate_n@su.ac.th
Tel: 02-1054686 Ext. 103034
Education history
2021 Ph.D. (Epigraphy in Thai and Oriental Languages), Silpakorn University
2016 M.A. (Epigraphic Studies), Silpakorn University
2013 B.A. (Literature), Kasetsart University

Dr. U-tain Wongsathit
E-mail : wongsathit_u@su.ac.th
Tel : 02-1054686 Ext. 103034
Education history
2012 Ph.D. (Sanskrit), University of Pune, Maharashtra, India
2003 M.A. (Oriental Epigraphy), Silpakorn University, Bangkok
2001 B.A. (Philosophy), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
- Analysis on Belief in Vishnu Purana, 2017-2018.
- Authors:
- Chainarong Klinnoi, Department of Eastern Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- U-tain Wongsathit, Department of Eastern Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- A Study of Ancient Documents of Thai Phake People in Assam India, 2017-2018.
- The Art and Culture of Rayong Repository, 2018.
- Researchers:
- Kannika Suteerattanapirom, Department of Archeology, Faculty of Archeology
- Praphat Chuvichean, Department of Art History, Faculty of Archeology
- U-tain Wongsathit, Department of Eastern Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- Sasithorn Sinvuttaya, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Archeology
- “So Song Hong”: The Special Orthography from Lopburi to Mon, Myanmar, Lanna and Lanxang. International Seminar “Science and Arts in Lopburi”, The 90th Anniversary building, Thepstri Rajabhat University, Muang, Lopburi, July 8th, 2016.
- Phnom Dongrak Mountain Range: an Area-studies for Peace. The 12th International Conference on "Southeast Asian Cultural Values: Culture of Peace", Phnom Penh Hotel, Cambodia, pages 17-25, 8-9 December 2016.
- Researchers:
- U-Tain Wongsathit, Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- Kangvol Khatshima, Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- Sirisarn Mueanphothong, Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- Suryavarman I Attacked Lopburi : The Epigraphical Evidence. The 13th International Conference on Southeast Asian Culture Values, Phnom Penh Hotel, Phnom Penh City, Cambodia, pages 11-16, 14-15 December 2017.
- Cambodian Ghost Tales: Belief and Socio-cultural Function. The National Academic Conference "Art and Culture: The Dynamics of Contemporary Societies", The Research Institute of Northeastern Art and Culture Mahasarakham University, page 262-269, 25 July 2018.
- Researchers:
- U-Tain Wongsathit, Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- Sajjaphoum Laor
- Textiles: The Faith in Buddhism of Sukhothai Women. The National Academic Conference "Art and Culture: The Dynamics of Contemporary Societies", The Research Institute of Northeastern Art and Culture Mahasarakham University, page 300-308, 25 July 2018.
- Researchers:
- Apasom Chaisangjan, Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- U-Tain Wongsathit, Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- Cultures, History and Pride of Thai Phake People in India. THE 14th International Conference on Asia Pacific Cultural Values. Angkor Century Hotel, Siem Reap, Cambodia, page 141-146, 19-22 December 2018.
Researches/Creative works

Mr. Porpon Suksai
E-mail : suksai_p@su.ac.th
Tel : 02-1054686 Ext. 103047
Education history
2007 B.A. (Thai), Faculty of Archaeology, Silpakorn University
2002 M.A. (Thai Epigraphy), Faculty of Archaeology, Silpakorn University

Mr. Nattapon Chan-ngam
E-mail : channgam_n@su.ac.th
Tel : 02-1054686 ต่่อ 103034
Education history
2008 M.A. (Epigraphy in Oriental Languages), Silpakorn University
2002 B.A. 2nd class honors (Thai), Faculty of Archaeology, Silpakorn University

Chatpisit Pachanee, Ph.D.
E-mail : PACHANEE_C@su.ac.th
Tel : 02-1054686 Ext.103034
Education historyา
2022 Ph.D. (Epigraphic Studies), Silpakorn University
2012 B.A. (Thai), Faculty of Archaeology, Silpakorn University

Wutthiphong Thawinsombat Ph.D.
E-mail : thawinsombat_w@su.ac.th
Tel : 02-1054686 Ext. 103035
Education history
2022 Ph.D. (Sanskrit Studies), Silpakorn University
2016 M.A. (Sanskrit Studies), Silpakorn University
2014 M.A. (Hindi), Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University, Wardha, India
2012 B.A. (Thai) (First Class Honors), Faculty of Archaeology, Silpakorn University

Mr. Dokrak Payaksri.
E-mail : PAYAKSRI_D@su.ac.th
Tel : 02-1054686 Ext. 103035
Education history
2004 Master of Arts (Thai Epigraphy), Silpakorn University
2000 Bachelor of Arts (Thai), Chiang Mai University

Associate Professor Orawan Boonyarith, Ph.D.
E-mail : boonyarith_o@su.ac.th
Tel : 02-1054686 Ext. 103035
Education history
1996 Ph.D. (Linguistics) Australian National University, Australia
1986 M.A. (Linguistics), Mahidol University
1983 B.A. 2nd class honors (Linguistics), Thammasat University
- An Evaluation of the Bachelor of Arts Program at the Faculty of Archeology, Silpakorn University (Revised 2011), 2015-2016.
- Researchers:
- Orawan Boonyarith, Department of Eastern Languages, Faculty of Archeology
- Chawalit Kaokhiew, Department of Archeology, Faculty of Archeology
- Sasithorn Sinvuttaya, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Archeology
- Shinapatch Sriwilai, Registration and Evaluation Unit, Educational Services Section, Secretary’s Office, Faculty of Archeology
- Phakamon Sangiamjit, Registration and Evaluation Unit, Educational Services Section, Secretary’s Office, Faculty of Archeology
- Wanvisa Chanaprasert, Academic Promotion and Development Unit, Educational Services Section, Secretary’s Office, Faculty of Archeology
Researches/Creative works
Assistant Professor Chirapat Prapandvidya , Ph.D.
E-mail : chirapat.prapandvidya@gmail.com
Tel :-
Education history
1975 Ph.D. (Sanskrit) University of Baroda, India
1970 M.A. (Sanskrit) University of Baroda, India
1963 B.A. (Archaeology), Silpakorn University