
Founded in 1955, it was Silpakorn University’s third faculty and aimed to provide Archaeologists contributing to preserving Thailand’s invaluable archaeological cultural heritage.

Founded in 1955, it was Silpakorn University’s third faculty and aimed to provide Archaeologists contributing to preserving Thailand’s invaluable archaeological cultural heritage.


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The Archaeology program aims to produce professional graduates contributing to the nation’s cultural resources preservation and management.

Art History

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The Art History Program includes courses directly associated with culture, particularly through arts. Nowadays, both world and national historical heritage remains have been taken for granted, ruined and lost. Thus, the curriculum intends to train students to value and contribute in preserving the cultural heritage.


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Anthropology Program studies human to understand self and others. Its focus on culture multiplicity contributes to accepting diversity and appreciating society and culture in a local context. Anthropology courses can be profitable for students to work with communities, societies and public.

Local History

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History Program studies local development and dynamics in order to understand people, culture and local wisdom as well as interrelationships between local, urban, national, ASEAN and world societies.

Oriental Languages

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The Bachelor of Arts program in Thai focuses on the study of Thai language and literature and integrates it with the learning of religions, art, culture and history. Furthermore, the curriculum emphasizes on Epigraphy and Ancient Documents courses which provide important facts for studying Archeology, History, Thai art and culture. Thailand currently lacks of expertise in Thai language, Thai literature, linguistics and the reading of inscriptions and ancient texts.


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The program provides students with knowledge and understanding of language and cross-cultural communication and builds their communicative competence in English in order to meet labor demand and to pursue a higher education.


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French is an international language and one of the significant modern foreign languages since France and French-speaking countries play an important role in the world’s societies, economy, politics and technology. Thus, French proficiency and the understanding of France’s perspectives, philosophy of life, art and culture can improve French learning and encourage comparative study which can be appropriately adjusted and applied in circumstances in Thailand.


